Aki Cederberg on Helsinkiläinen kirjailija, muusikko ja elokuvantekijä. Cederbergin suvussa on merimiehiä, pappeja ja lääkäreitä, mistä ehkä juontuu hänen vaellusviettinsä ja monet hänen mielenkiinnon kohteistaan, joiden jäljillä hän on matkustanut laajasti. Cederberg on kirjoittanut kirjan Pyhiinvaellus: Matkalla Intiassa ja Nepalissa (Salakirjat 2013) ja hänen kirjoituksiaan on julkaistu mm. The Fenris Wolf kirja-antologioissa, sekä muissa julkaisuissa ja lehdissä. Hän on ollut osana yhtyeitä joiden kanssa hän on julkaissut levyjä, järjestänyt näyttelyitä ja esiintynyt eri maissa. Hänen osana Halo Manash yhtyettä tekemänsä elokuva Taiwaskivi on julkaistu DVD-kokoelmalla "Back to Human Nature" Njuta Films toimesta. Cederberg on myös osa Radio Wyrd podcastia. Cederbergillä on kulttuurialan tutkinto ja hän työskentelee kirjoittamisen ja elokuvatuotannon parissa. Hän asuu Helsingissä ja harrastaa nyrkkeilyä. 

Tämä sivusto kokoaa yhteen Cederbergin kirjoitukset, matkat sekä meneillään olevat työt.

Aki Cederberg is a writer, musician and filmmaker from Helsinki, Finland. Coming from a hereditary line of seamen, priests and doctors, his disposition and many of his interests and passions can perhaps be derived from these ancestral streaks. Relating to his engagement with various esoteric traditions and realms of knowledge and culture of which he has sought first-hand experience, as well as his interest in sites of mythological or historical significance both ancient and modern, he has travelled extensively. Cederberg has written a book published in finnish language titled Pyhiinvaellus ("Pilgrimage", Salakirjat 2013), as well as contributed to The Fenris Wolf book anthologies and several other publications. He has been part of several musical groups, with whom he has released albums and films, as well as conducted exhibitions and tours both in his homeland and abroad. The film Taiwaskivi, made as part of Halo Manash, was released on the DVD-collection ”Back to Human Nature!” (Njuta Films). Cederberg is also a part of the Radio Wyrd  podcast. He has a Bachelor of Culture and Arts (directing and scriptwriting) and currently works in writing and film production. He lives in Helsinki, and enjoys boxing.

This website functions as a resource on his writings, travels and current works.



Luento: Kohti Euroopan salattua sielunmaisemaa, lauantaina 24.9.2016 KLO 16.15

Miten voimme lähestyä omia, usein katkenneita pakanallisia perinteitämme Eurooppassa? Mitä sen pyhät paikat merkitsevät? Entä mitä yhteys näihin asioihin voi antaa nykypäivän ihmiselle, ja millä tavalla munainen perinne voi ottaa muotonsa jälkimodernissa maailmassa?

Aki Cederbergin luento tulee käsittelemään pyhiä, pakanallisia paikkoja ja perinteitä Euroopassa. Se pohjautuu hänen matkoihinsa kohti niiden edustamaa salattua sielunmaisemaa, joista hän on etsinyt muinaisen tiedon virtoja. Cederbergin mukaan nämä paikat ja perinteet edustavat henkisiä linnakkeita sieluttomassa ajassamme. Esiin nousee paitsi pakanallisten perinteiden ja paikkojen rikas kirjo, myös mikä näitä mahdollisesti yhdistää. Luennolla nähdään myös Cederbergin vaimon Justine Cederbergin valokuvia monilta pyhiltä paikoilta.

Aki Cederberg on Helsinkiläinen kirjailija. Hänen ensimmäinen kirjansa ”Pyhiinvaellus: Matkalla Intiassa ja Nepalissa” (Salakirjat, 2013) on henkilökohtainen kertomus kaukokaipuusta, pyhiinvaelluksesta ja sukelluksesta esoteerisen perinteen maailmaan, jossa nousee keskeiseen osaan länsimaisen ihmisen kriisi. Toisessa kirjassaan Cederberg käntää katseensa kohti omia henkisiä juuriaan ja suuntaa pyhiinvaelluksensa Euroopan pyhille paikoille. Kirjan on määrä ilmestyä loppuvuonna 2017 Basam Books / Viisas Elämä kustantamana.

Messupaikkana toimii Kattilahalli Helsingin Suvilahdessa.


La 24.9. klo. 10.00 – 19.00

Su 25.9.klo. 10.00 – 18.00

Sisäänpääsyliput myy TIKETTI:

Messuilla saat tietoa pakanallisuudesta, sen eri muodoista, siihen liittyvistä elämäntavoista sekä tuotteista ja palveluista.

Lisätietoa Pakanallisista syysmessuista löydät osoitteesta http://sysimaa.fi/fi/pakanalliset-syysmessut



MAA is part of this 3CD tribute compilation to the late, great John Murphy, with a collaboration track called "Toive" ("Wish") from the now sold-out album MAA: Tuhkankantajat (Anima Arctica).


“All My Sins Remembered” is a tribute to Australian musician John Murphy, who died on the 11th of October 2015, and at the same time a charity project with all proceeds from the sales going to his widow.

John Murphy was an inveterate collaborator, contributing to the most high-profile bands of the industrial scene, not only because he was such a versatile musician of immense talent, but also because he was such a great collaborator. His warm-heartedness was the basis of decade-spanning relationships with prestigious musicians; his perfection and reliability in both composition and preparing performances was common knowledge; as a session drummer he would fit in organically with the bands that employed him. As a result, a large number of musicians agreed happily and instantly to become a part of this project.

With an enormous effort and the help of many friends we have put together this compilation, featuring the vast majority of the projects John Murphy was involved with – whether as a solo musician, contributor, full band member or session musician. Carefully curated and compiled, it follows the chronology of his career, starting with his high school band MANDRIX and following through all the way to his last studio recordings with LAST DOMINION LOST.

A major part of this compilation are tracks featuring John himself, a treasure of yet unreleased recordings with ASSOCIATES, SHINING VRIL, KRANG, KRANK, BROWNING MUMMERY, KNIFELADDER, SOOTERKIN FLESH, BLOOD AND IRON, WERTHAM, FORESTA DI FERRO and GERECHTIGKEITS LIGA, as well as rare collaborative tracks with LUSTMORD, NEWS, WHIRLYWIRLD, HUGO KLANG, MAA, ORCHESTRA OF SKIN AND BONE, SLUB, DUMB AND THE UGLY, VHRIL, BORDEL MILITAIRE and THE WALKING KORPSES. John Murphy’s performances can also be heard on exclusive live recordings of BLOOD AXIS, SPK, WHITEHOUSE, NAEVUS, NIKOLAS SCHRECK, MY FATHER OF SERPENTS & DISCIPLES OF NONE and MANDRIX, while newly recorded personal dedications (partially making use of John Murphy recordings) come from OF THE WAND AND THE MOON, DIE WEISSE ROSE, GENOCIDE ORGAN, ANDREW KING and DAVID E. WILLIAMS. Last but not least there are his last live and studio recordings from March & May 2015 with THE GRIMSEL PATH, ZEENA SCHRECK and his last main band LAST DOMINION LOST.

This box set is limited to 750 copies and comes in a beautiful design by The Epicurean: Lavish black cardboard folder with full colour & gold print, containing three CDs housed in cardboard sleeves and an extensive 32-page booklet with texts by The Epicurean, Andrew King, Alan Bamford and Jon Evans, allowing for detailed insight in the three distinct periods of John Murphy’s musical career, as well as publishing unreleased photographs from his friends’ archives." 

Bandcamp: https://epicureanescapism.bandcamp.com/album/all-my-sins-remembered-the-sonic-worlds-of-john-murphy


THE FENRIS WOLF #8 has just been published. It features some new writings by myself and various others. Order from Trapart.

Below are the contents: 

Carl Abrahamsson: Editor's Introduction, Vanessa Sinclair: Polymorphous Perversity and Pandrogeny, Charles Stansfield Jones (Frater Achad): Alchymia, Tim O'Neill: Black Lodge/White Lodge, Nina Antonia: Bosie & The Beast, Aki Cederberg: Festivals of Spring, Michael Moynihan: Friedrich Hielscher’s Vision of the Real Powers, Friedrich Hielscher: The Real Powers,Orryelle Defenestrate Bascule: Ear Horn: Shamanic Perspectives and Multi-Sensory Inversion, Zbigniew Lagosz: The Figure of the Polish Magician: Czesław Czynski (1858-1932), Gary Lachman: Rejected Knowledge: A Look At Our Other Way of Knowing, Carl Abrahamsson: Intuition as a State of Grace, Bishop T Omphalos: The Golden Thread: Soteriological Aspects of the Gnostic Catholicism in E.G.C., Kendell Geers: iMagus, Johan Nilsson: Defending Paper Gods – Aleister Crowley and the Reception of Daoism in Early 20th Century Esotericism, Gordan Djurdjevic: The Birth of the New Aeon: Magick and Mysticism of Thelema from the Perspective of Postmodern A/Theology, Tim O'Neill: The Derleth Error, Antti P Balk: Greek Mysteries, Carl Abrahamsson: The Economy of Magic, Stephen Sennitt: The Book of the Sentient Night: 23 Nails, Henrik Dahl: We Ate the Acid: A Note on Psychedelic Imagery, Jason Louv: Robert Anton Wilson’s Cosmic Trigger and the Psychedelic Interstellar Future we need, Carey Hodges & Chad Hensley: New Orleans Voodoo - An Oddity Unto Itself, Alexander Nym: Kabbalah references in contemporary culture, Zaheer Gulamhusein: Standing in Line, Carl Abrahamsson: As the Wolf Lies Down to Rest, Vanessa Sinclair & Ingo Lambrecht: Ritual and Psychoanalytical Spaces as Transitional, featuring Sangoma Trance States, Hagen von Tulien: Listening to the Voice of Silence - A Contemporary Perspective on the Fraternities Saturni, Erik Davis: Infectious Hoax: Robert Anton Wilson reads H.P. Lovecraft, N: II. Land, Kadmus: Neo-Chthonia, Kadmus: A Fragment of Heart - A contribution to the Mega-Golem, Stojan Nikolic: The One True Church of the Dark Age of Scientism, Miguel Marques: The Labors of Seeing – A Journey Through the Works of Peter Whitehead, Renata Wieczorek: The Conception of Number According to Aleister Crowley, Orryelle Defenestrate Bascule: Fragments of Fact, Derek Seagrief: Conscious ExIt, Kasper Opstrup: By This, That – A spin on Lea Porsager’s Spin, and Genesis Breyer P-Orridge: Greyhounds of the future.

Published 2016. 384 pages, 148 x 210 mm, softbound. Standard Edition of 400 copies. Please also see the Limited Edition: 77 hardbound, hand-numbered copies with dust jacket (of 100 copies in total, listed separately in the BOOKS section). Please also see "Deluxe Edition": the 23 first hardbound copies come with a print of the cover art signed by artist Andreas Kalliaridis (in the EDITIONS section)

Ei sanat salahan joua eikä luottehet lovehen;
mahti ei joua maan rakohon, vaikka mahtajat menevät.

Words shall not be hid nor spells buried;
might shall not sink underground, though the mighty ones depart.